A Lovely Mix

A Fashion & Lifestyle Blog


Costa Rica (Teatro Nacional and Downtown San José)

My parents I recently went to Costa Rica. I was surprised with the similarities Costa Rica has with my home-country Venezuela. Of course, Costa Rica is cleaner and safe. The people there were so nice and welcoming. For our first day we went to downtown San José, to see the city and the old buildings. 

 We first went to El Teatro Nacional or National Theater. The art inside is so pretty and so well taken care of. Inside the theater there is a coffee house, where they sell coffee, tea, sandwiches, quiches and cakes.

We also went to the first hotel in San José and the restaurant. It was so refreshing to see people actually sitting outside and enjoying fresh air.

Downtown San José was so beautiful! we got to see the structures and the people were just so nice and welcoming!

More posts to come! ;)



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